Sunday, January 13, 2008

Daddy's Little Helper

We took Ethan to get his one year pictures a few weeks ago (I was really hoping to go with "Glamour Shots", but we just couldn't find one close enough... maybe next year). Here are a couple of our favorites:

"Santa" brought me a sweet bench press for Christmas, so I've turned our spare bedroom into a "weight room". Ethan was my little helper as I put it together (he was especially handy with the electric screw driver):

I'm hoping this new bench press will help me get back into "glory days" form. Here's a picture of my bicep; I'll take another picture in a couple months and let you decide if all my hard work is really paying off...


Lis said...

Cute! He is still looking so much like his daddy!
Good luck Steve on that muscle building, you are already so close!

Anonymous said...

Heidi...not sure if you remember me from college, freshman year and after. Anyway, I found your blog through seeing some others. Ethan is adorable. I hope you are enjoying IL. We moved this summer from Chicago.

Anonymous said...

I'll believe that is your arm when I see it attached to the rest of you.

Heide Call said...

Deb, of course i remember you! How are you and Where are you living now? Do you have a blog I can check out, I'd love to catch up with you!

j janell cf said...

great pictures of ethan, and i love him helping his dad. steve's muscles are impressive. keep that guy's shirt on!